Umbrella London Blackcurrant Cider


Umbrella London Blackcurrant Cider

A 4% cider with a floral beginning and a sour finish, Umbrella London Blackcurrant Cider is made using British Dessert Apples and fresh pressed Blackcurrants, sourced directly from a single farm in Essex, highlighting the outstanding quality of British fruit and local produce.

Made in London and conveniently canned, this new addition coincides with the relaxation of lockdown rules, making it the ideal accompaniment for an afternoon in the park with (no more than six) friends.

Sitting alongside their Ginger Beer, Apple Cider, Rhubarb Cider, Gooseberry Cider and Teeling Irish Whiskey Finished Ginger Beer, the new Blackcurrant edition brings the Umbrella London portfolio to a family of six – all either canned or bottled, all best enjoyed cold.

SKU: 4742386 Categories: , , , GTIN: 075423664019


Umbrella London Blackcurrant Cider

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Click & Collect orders available for collection at The Sun Tavern (E2 0AN), Discount Suit Company (E1 7TB) or our bricks and mortar shop, The Umbrella Workshop, in central Shoreditch (E2 7JD)- just give us a call or email to make sure your order is ready for pick up.

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Box of 8, Box of 16